Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

LABFIS - Experiment Report

Experiment Report

Title: Measuring Resistance

  1. To know the resistance of something with two method.
  2. To determine the relationship voltage (V) with a current (I) through the graph.
  3. To know the ratio of resistors in method 1, method 2 and the direct measurement.

Base Theory
Ohm's Law suggests a method for measurement of resistance. If a voltmeter is used to measure the voltage (V) across an unknown resistance (R), and an ammeter is used to measure the current (I) through the same unknown resistance, then R would be given by
V = I.R          R = V/I
V         = voltage (Volt)
I           = current (Ampere)
R         = resistance (Ohm)

Magnitude of the resistance (R) can be measured through direct and indirect measurements. directly, resistance can be determined by using a multimeter or ohmmeter. Besides measuring the resistance, multimeter can also be used to measure voltage (V) and current (I). indirectly, the resistance can be found using Ohm's law R = V / I. This law was discovered by German physicist, George Simon Ohm in 1826 find a relationship between current, voltage and resistance. The formulas in the basic theory of electricity called ohms law, stems from a trial in a single electrical circuit which he did.

Tools and Materials
  1. Voltmeter DC (0-5V)
  2. Ammeter DC (0 – 500 mA)
  3. Rheostat (100W)
  4. Resistance (47W)
  5. Power Supply DC (3V)
  6. Circuit Table (1 unit)
  7. Cable (6 unit)
  8. Multimeter

The Method of Experiment
  1. Prepare tools and materials
  2. Stacking sequence as shown above
  3. Turn on the power supply and check the circuit which has been prepared. If the voltmeter or ammeter needle does not move, there is an error in assembling the circuit.
  4. After a series of structured properly, the experiment can be started
  5. Sliding rheostat slowly.
  6. Read the voltage and current values ​​indicated by the needle
  7. The experiments were conducted 10 times, with a rheostat to transform the different points.
  8. Record the results of measurement and data analysis.

Method 2 Experiment

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